Thursday, 2 December 2010


This is the start of my inspiration for this project. I wanted to look back at a section of my final work from last year as I want to carry it on... but not in the way I did it before.
For this work I took self-portriats in various places focusing on an 'invisible force' this time I want to use one particular force/element which is water as this is the force I reacted the strongest to. I put myself into uncomfortable situations and documented my reactions to it.
For my project this year I want to concentrate on how other people react to water in different ways. I want to start in a bath as thats where I shot my last photos and it seems an interesting starting point. A bath is usually a place to relax, this is its main use in this age, as showers have taken over as the way of washing yourself. I am taking this place of relaxation and making it into my treatment area. Where I will explore different ways of getting reactions from water and finding ways of controlling my subjects emotions.
Water can be refreshing and calming - we drink it, lie in it for a bath, we wash ourselves with it.
It can also be dangerous and powerful - floods, sea, and people can drown in it.
It is the element with so many uses and powers, this is what fascinates me, some people are scared of it, some people won't swim in it and some people won't even drink it. It can make you feel alive and energetic but it can also make you feel cold and vulnerable...

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