Thursday, 2 December 2010


I came across Laurence Ripsher's work a while back when doing some general research and remembered it when I was trying to think of some people to start looking at for this porject. His images suggest lonely emotions and suggestions of violence.. the battered derelict surroundings and the defensive helpless poses his subjects have been put into. I have looked at this work for inspiration on his use of the bath... again a place of relaxation has been shown to be cold, empty and uncomfortable. His subjects inspire me to think of ways in which i'd get them to pose that way, getting them to think about what could have happened there or telling them a story which would make them feel uncomfortable. The first image suggests to me relaxation but then I get an unusual feeling from the background and the fact there is wet cloth over their face, this suggests suffocation as the body is in an unnatural position. His works were probably not to portray this but this is what I have taken from the images. I like this idea that you create a narrative from each image, imagining how they got there and what they are thinking about and why their identity isnt shown. Maybe its states of emotion.
Again this derelict background has come up which I now know I want to stray away from because it naturally suggests things what I wouldnt want. I want it to be purely on reaction and the backgound to be uncharacteristic and neutral.

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