METHOD 3 - treatment
Duration - 30 minutes
Location - Bath
Conditions - Warm Water, Full bath.
Uniform - White tank top and black/dark bottoms.
First 10 minutes - relax
10 minutes in - ask them to slowly lower themselves underwater and stay as long as they can.
Recover from panic.
20 minutes in - ask them to do the same as before.
Recover again.
This method worked well... I have now been able to capture that panic and disress I wanted to before. I was strict with how I controlled my subject. I noticed that the first lowering had a much more extreme reaction to the second. In the first one they would not know what to expect. So when the water shoots up their nose and they get the panic of thinking they are going to drown they react dramatically. But for the second lowering they know what to expect and prepare themselves a little more. I tested this method out before I did it for the shoot because I didn't want to put them through something that I didn't understand or feel. By the second time of lowering you know what to expect so you know what to do to try and prevent the water going up your nose... breathe out through your nose. But you can only do this for a short period of time and then you come up in a panic again. By the end of the process your body is confused, and your mind feels like mush. Its an intense method but it worked well. I am going to do another shoot for this on another subject, to see if they produce a different reaction. I'm getting closer to what im trying to explore and discover.
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